Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lady and the Tramp DVD

Lady and the tramp dvd happens to be one of the most charming and feel good disney films ever made in my opinion.

If you love walt disney dog movies.Then this animated film is for you.

Platinum editions go off the shelves in no time so preorder one now or grab one as soon as its available to avoid disappointment.

"Lady and the Tramp" is basically about a young Cocker-Spaniel named Lady and her meeting with Tramp, a dog who lives life to the fullest and their adventures together.

Lady and the Tramp has been an enduring Disney classic for 50 years now and it's amazing how well it holds up after all that time.My little boy calls the movie lady and the trap...hahaha..:)

So if you're looking for the lady and the trap dvd as how my little boys says it.Here it is.A great movie the whole family can watch together.

You will definitely want to add this newly remastered LADY AND THE TRAMP to your DVD library before the studio puts it on moratorium.

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